Donate to Cougar Wrestling

Online Donation

Online Donation Link: Wrestling Development Fund

Wrestling Campaign Information: Wrestle Forever and All-In Challenge

Check Donation: 

Provide a check or money order gift to WSU Wrestling.  Please make payable to “WSU Foundation", placing “WSU Club Wrestling Development Fund” in memo portion of check and mail to:

WSU Foundation

PO Box 641927

Pullman, WA 99164-1927

Microsoft Employee Donation:

If you are a Microsoft employee, you can donate directly to WSU Varsity Wrestling Club through the Microsoft benefits GIVE portal. This will allow any donation you make to be easily matched by Microsoft. Thank You!

Additional Information:

  • WSU will mail you a Charitable Donation Receipt for income tax purposes once your donation has been processed. 
  • If an outright gift of $500 or more to WSU Wrestling is given, there is an opportunity to have your business gain benefits as a WSU Wrestling sponsor. Please contact for more information.