Join Cougar Wrestling
WSU Cougar Wrestling is a Varsity Sport Club operated through WSU University Recreation and the following items must be submitted by each wrestler before practice and competition. You may register now by completing the following steps 1-9. If you have any questions, please contact Team President Tyson Russell at, or bring your laptop to the preseason meeting or practice and a Coach's Manager or Officer will assist you.
Steps to Join
1. Sign up for Wrestling on Sport Club Manager (DSE)
- Step A: Scroll to the bottom of the DSE sport club page until you find Wrestling, then click registration.
- Step B: Complete the personal information section.
- Step C: Complete the additional information section. Select "member" as your position. If you are an officer, select your position title or select "other officer".
- Step D: Complete the driver information section. Indicate if you would like to become a driver for our team. If you select "yes", please submit a copy of your driver's license, insurance, and register for the earliest available class in step 7. If you are uninterested, cannot become a van driver, or there is no class available please select "no".
- Step E: Complete the risk & conduct section. Read and approve all forms.
2. Fill out the Health History Report and Concussion Baseline Test on SportsWare
Note: If you already completed your forms last year, you need to log in and make sure your profile shows zero forms to complete. New wrestlers will need to complete all of the assigned forms. Please follow these steps carefully:
- Step A: SportsWareOnLine™ (
- Step B: Under the Athlete/Parent Tab click on Join SportsWare.
- Step C: In the School ID section, enter the code “PRH” and you will be brought to a sign-up sheet.
- Step D: You will be asked to fill in your Name, Date of Birth, and WSU Email. Your group is "WSU" not Pullman, WA. School ID “PRH”.
- Step E: Select next and double check that your information is correct. Click finish and you will receive an email with SportsWare instructions.
- Step F: Follow the email instructions to log into SportsWare and complete the "Athletic Record" and "Medical History" fields. As well as electronically sign the Athlete HIPAA Compliance Form, Consent to Treat Form, and WSU Mental Support Form. After manual approval from the athletic trainer your information will show as approved in Sport Club Manager (DSE). If 1-2 days have passed and your SportsWare is still not approved, please email trainer and ask for assistance.
3. Mandatory Hazing Training Video
Watch the video here and answer all questions at the end.
4. Pay one-time team dues
The dues required for the 2024-2025 season are $400.00 in total. All wrestlers must pay their dues before practicing. If you cannot pay dues at this time, please contact Head Coach Phil Burnett and inform him of your situation.
Pay dues online through Sport Club Manager (DSE). Click the "payments" tab, enter your credit/debit card information, and pay. There is the option to pay in $200.00 increments
5. Bring a copy of your entire driver's license to the preseason meeting or email it to Coach Phil
Your driver's license is required for the purchase of airfare tickets. Have your license scanned at the preseason meeting or email it to
6. Register on NCWA
Pay the $50 Membership/Insurance Fee.
- Instructions for New Wrestlers: Go to Click on "Register", click "Athlete Registration", select "Washington State University", fill in athlete details and pay the $50 fee. You will then receive an email from NCWA. To complete the registration process, you must verify the confirmation email from NCWA. Check your inbox and junk mail for the email as it must be verified to complete the process. Notify a team manager at the preseason meeting or next practice when you have completed this step, so that they can get your "NCWA Waiver and Release of Liability" form signed/uploaded. If you are a new wrestler, please make sure to add a photo to your account (we will add an official photo later). Your 10 day eligibility clock starts after the fee is paid and the form is uploaded.
- Instructions for Previous NCWA Wrestlers: If you have previously registered with the NCWA, there is no need to create an account again, just log in with your past email/password and pay the $50 fee. Notify a team manager at the preseason meeting or next practice when you have completed this step, so that they can get your "NCWA Waiver and Release of Liability" form uploaded. Your 10 day eligibility clock starts after the fee is paid and the form is uploaded.
- Sign waiver and email to or text to Coach Phil Burnett at 206-255-0795.
7. Register for Van Driver Certification
Our team needs certified drivers to transport athletes to events using school vehicles and/or rental vehicles. Wrestlers who have not yet taken the class or have outdated certifications are urged to join. There is no charge and certifications last for two years. You must get 80% or above to pass the training, submit proof of insurance, driving record, and have a valid license. We strongly encourage all upperclassman to do this. Every team member that completes van driver training will receive a free Cougar Wrestling T-shirt. If you choose to participate in driver's training, you will not be approved on Sport Club Manager (DSE) until it is completed. Optional*
8. Promote WSU Cougar Wrestling
Should you know of any other wrestlers not turned out yet, invite them to registration or to the next practice and/or refer their name and contact information to Coach Phil Burnett at 206-255-0795 or
One Day Practice Waiver
If you are interested in trying out wrestling for a single practice, please fill out the linked waiver. If you plan on practicing more than one day, then you will need to complete registration steps 1-9 above.